
Lisää yhteystietosi tähän klikkaamalla salamaikonia, joka ilmestyy tuodessasi hiiren tämän tekstin päälle

Expertise in international trade operations

Are you planning to sell or buy goods abroad? Do you know what you need to cover in order to ensure smooth and compliant export and import operations and avoid unnecessary costs?

Paicon is a company which can provide you with the expertise in customs and related trade compliance topics. The assignments could range from establishing of export/import operations and development projects to trainings and deputy posts.

The company is run by Päivi. She has been working in international trade both in operative and specialist and development functions over twenty years.

For further information please do not hesitate to contact!


Päivi Pietarinen

tel. +358 40 573 0570

email: paivi.pietarinen@paicon.fi


(VAT 1919396-5)